Sunday, March 7, 2010

Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities

wEvery human being, without exception, as well as many animals have been endowed with "God-given" psychic, clairvoyant, telepathic and other profound abilities to use at will; they simply need unlocking with the right key.Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be "special" or "gifted"or "come from a "psychic family" to enjoy the benefit of psychic powers; it simply isn't true; anyone making such a claim is misleading you. Psychics Telepathic Clairvoyant.. Your Psychic Abilities.. Start developing now! Improve your mental health. Feel better about your future. Use your natural born instincts to guide your life...Rely on your instincts instead of someone else's...become your own psychic...

Which of these are you interested in developing?

* Clairvoyance...see beyond the physical world

* Clairaudience...hear people/sounds from the other side

* Clairsentience...feel/sense energies of life

* Psychic with the other side (the deceased)

* Psychic intuition...sense and interpret psychic events

* Telekinesis...move, bend and influence objects

* Telepathy...communication with people using your own mind

* Spirit Guides...communicate with your spirit guides and more

* Psychometry...view or sense events by holding objects

Absolutely anyone can develop psychic powers with the right information and commitment. You can spend as much or as little time as you want to develop your psychic abilities. But as they say..."Use it or lose it". If the desire is there then you will succeed.

Once you begin the simple steps to develop your psychic abilities, and begin to see the results, it will change your life. By using your own intuition and developed powers,YOU will guide YOU and enable YOU to make better decisions about your life. If that is a true statement,then why not develop them to their fullest. Making decisions everyday will have a consequences in your future.

About 10 years after the Death of our parents, I began a search for the answers to life and death. Life is the beginning and death is going to happen no matter what. My mother died 1st. Heart problems. She was in intensive care on life support for 1 1/2 months. 3 months and 3 days later my father was killed in a car accident, on his way to see me. 1 year later after constant Chemo treatments, my mother-in-law died. Our youngest daughters grade school teacher died in class, from an aneurysm, during this time. And a lifelong friend died in a small plane crash in Alaska,too. I sort of lost touch with the world for a long time. It's when I woke up about 10 years later that I wanted to find the answer to this question. Why are we here?

I'm not a psychic! Nor do I want to have all those so called powers that some of these psychics have. But what I did and do want are answers. My research tells me that what I want to know, "I already know". I just need confirmation. When I listen, the answer always comes. I read one of Sylvia Brownes books, and I met someone who has studied the religions of the World.The pieces began to fit in the puzzle. All I had to do was listen. When I pray ( speak beyond this world), I pray to the divine Mother. And only to her for help for others. When I need help for myself,I talk to the other entities who are there to guide me. Call them what you want....Angles...Spirit Guides...Guardian Angles...we each have a label for them. And I only ask for guidance to be a better person....not the lottery numbers, or anything to do with money. Each of us has a reason to be here. If you feel confused, frustrated, unsure...then you still need to find out Why you are here. When you do then your whole entire life will change. Your purpose is not to be the best at your job, or the richest person on the block, or have the best of everything. It has to do with....what are you doing to make a difference in this world that brings positive results to others....and fulfils your life in the process.

This site is dedicated to those of you who seek to improve your lives, by way of learning more about making the right decisions or the wrong ones. You more than anyone on the planet know whether or not you listen to yourself for advice. Are you constantly asking other people what to do? And are they always right? Learn how to take your own advice and have it be the right advice.

If the site below is not what you are looking for, then please feel free to type psychic into the search bar for other ideas to help you take control of your life, and feel good about the decisions you are making every day. When visiting the site feel free to sign up for the free newsletter.

* Whether or not you believe in Psychics or not. If you want to develop your senses, Sylvia Browne has a book/Cd called "Contacting your Spirit Guide. It sells on Amazon for $12.21. I have found this book and CD to be one of the best books on this subject. I highly recommend it!

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(CLICK ON LINK BELOW To Start Your Psychic Developement)

For those of you who are having doubts about learning about your natural psychic abilities, we have provided a link to some of the best psychics online. We have looked at tons of psychic sites and found this one to be the best."KEEN" I know some of you feel you don't have time to learn your own psychic abilities, but would like a little help in your life. When you contact a live psychic...what do you want to know? To get a reading of substance...ask them..."what is my purpose here"..."what is my destiny"..."what can I do to better my life"...please don't get into money. If you are or get on the right track you will never go without whatever you need. Some people call it "Luck". I are on the right path. Always use any information you receive, to better yourself. Take care.

Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.

Cancer Site Click Picture
Cancer Site
Health Tip:
There are several acupuncture sites on your body that when you are stressed, upset stomach, or feeling pain, that you can tap on to relieve these symptoms. Yes, it really works. The sites to tap are as follows...your right and left cheekbone(the highest part of your cheek)...your collar bone (both sides closest to your throat)...your right and left hand on the side by your little finger. Begin by tapping about 10 times on your cheek, then 10 times on tip of your collar bone then 10 times on your outer hand bone near your little finger and then repeat. It usually takes about 1 minute for results. Use 3 fingers to do this.

Lung Detox Click Picture
Lung Detox

Health Tip:
This tip is to help you with your mental health. During your busy day I bet you encounter at least 1 person who is having a bad day. They seem to want to dump their negativity on everyone they meet, including you. What I do is very simple. I look at them and say to myself,"Thank God I'm not you". Never say this out loud, but say it in your head. As they are shooting that negativity at you like lightening bolts, imagine a brick wall between you and them. Their negativity will hit that wall and never effect you. And just say"thank god I'm not you". You will feel such a relief that they did not effect you in any way that your day will be better than you can imagine. You will be smiling to yourself each and every time you do this. Have a great day!

If You Smoke Click Picture
If You Smoke

Health Tip:
How well do you like yourself? On a scale from 1-10. One being low and ten being high. I hope it's at least 9, otherwise you need some work. Don't we all. Every morning when you get up and check out in the mirror what you look like...physically...look beyond that into your inner self and give yourself either a thumbs up or a thumbs down for the kind of person you were yesterday. Only you really know the truth. Were the best that you could be? Or was it just easier to just cruise thru the day doing nothing of value. Being a good person starts out as work. After you master it becomes natural!!! Who are you really looking at in that mirror? If you don't like who you see...make an effort everyday to be a better person. Your mental health effects your physical health. Work on it and change your life.

Ear Problems Click Picture
Ringing of the ears

Health Tip:
You've heard the old saying "laughter is the best medicine", well it's true. How often during the week do you laugh? It's recommended you laugh at least 2-3 times a week. Don't have anything to laugh at? Then you need to relax more and don't take things so seriously. If something is bothering you and you have absolutely no control over it...stop stressing about it. If you have control over it then fix it and move on. Stress will cause you to have physical problems. Not good!!! Take time to watch a comedy. Spend time playing a game with your family or friends. Find ways to enjoy yourself and laugh. Think of what made you laugh as a child and incorporate it into your life today. But whatever you do just laugh. Start having fun again!!!!

Health Tip:
Most of us worry about how young we look. There are thousands of products that claim to reduce or remove those fine lines that are crawling across our face. And the sagging, droopy skin that happens as we age makes people want to run into the Drs. office and get some kind of injection. I'm over the hill...don't ask my age because I never like to tell that one...however,this last Halloween we were dressing up for a party and my youngest daughter was putting on my make-up for the finishing touches to my costume and notices that I had no muscle tone when raising my eyebrows. Who knew...not something you would notice. She told me to start exercising my facial muscles. I did and 2 weeks after starting this daily routine, we noticed a huge difference. Everyday when you shower or take a bath, do this. Raise and lower your eyebrows 20 times, raise and lower your cheeks 20 times(squint your eyes pushing your cheeks to your eyes), Stick your tongue in and out 20 times and try and touch your chin with it. Hope this helps.

Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags, Click On Picture
Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags

Laundry Tip:
Do you ever wonder where the lint in the dryer comes from? Not something we all give a great deal of thought about. However... it comes off of the clothes you put in it. In other words if you wash your favorite shirt at least once a week, you are cooking the fibers off of you shirt. Here's some food for thought...we don't put any of our shirts, jackets, sweatshirts,sweatpants, and delicate care items in the dryer. We put them on hangers and hang them on doorways overnight, and then air fluff them in the dryer the next day. The only things that go into the dryer are...jeans(wash and dry inside out), towels, socks, underwear, and cotton jammie's. By not putting your items in the dryer you are extending their usefulness by years!!!!! SAVES MONEY. My youngest who is 22 has shirts that have never been in the dryer...since the 6th grade. They are still nice and wearable. Hope this helps in these bad economical times.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Please rate my blog.

Hi everyone, Please rate my blog, Thank You, Earl